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Fertility Tests Explained
Fertility Tests
Infertility is a condition of the reproductive system that prevents the conception of children. Infertility, as defined by The International Committee for Monitoring Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ICMART), is a disease characterized by the failure to establish a clinical pregnancy after 12 months of regular, unprotected sexual intercourse or due to an impairment of a person’s capacity to reproduce either as an individual or with his/her partner.
It affects approximately 10-15% of couples throughout the United States. The diagnosis of infertility is usually given to couples who have been attempting to conceive for at least 1 year without success.

Testing for individual hormone levels that are produced by various hormone-producing glands can identify irregularities that can produce negative effects on menstrual and reproductive function.
During the diagnostic work-up of both male and female infertility, various blood tests have to be conducted prior to assisted reproduction attempts in order to verify the presence or absence of various infectious diseases, which could be a contributing factor to a couple’s infertility issues.
A condition found in women who typically don’t ovulate. Testing for PCOS includes testing for excessive production of androgens (male sex hormones) and insulin, as well as hormone imbalance
A loss of ovarian function by a woman under the age of 40. As a result a woman does not ovulate each month. Some women will have menopause-like symptoms that may include infertility.
2-3 consecutive miscarriages in the first or early second trimester. Many factors can be involved including: genetic/chromosomal, age, hormones, metabolic abnormalities, anatomic abnormalities, immunological problems, clotting disorders and more.
Blood tests for hormone monitoring can be used to determine a patient’s normal hormonal levels at the beginning of a cycle and to assist in determining medication type, dosage and start date for IVF
Zika virus infection is primarily spread to people through mosquito bites. It can also be passed by infected individuals to their partner during sex. A pregnant woman infected with Zika virus can pass the virus to her developing fetus and many who are infected do not have any symptoms.
Any condition that interferes with a male’s ability to initiate a pregnancy with the female partner. There are a wide range of causes that can be tested for and are due to genetics, hormonal disorders, sperm function or sperm quantitative/qualitative features.
The MRH panel identifies approximately 35% of the males whose sperm are analyzed in the tests as having male related issues. It is made up of three tests: Sperm DNA Accelerated Decondensation (SDAD) Test, Sperm DNA Decondensation (SDD) Test, and Sperm Chromatin Fragmentation Assay (SCFA)
For further comprehensive information regarding the proprietary tests included in the Male Reproductive Health Panel, please visit
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